
Course Information

Grant Writing and Fund Raising (BSM 402)

Term: 2016-2017 Spring


Sat-Sun, 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM (3/11/2017 - 3/12/2017) Location: LAWR LAWR5
Sat-Sun, 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM (3/25/2017 - 3/26/2017) Location: LAWR LAWR5
Sat-Sun, 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM (4/8/2017 - 4/9/2017) Location: LAWR LAWR5


A critical skill in business, especially for non-profit organizations, is the ability to raise money by fund raising and grants. This covers the planning and proposal development phases of grant writing, strategies for fund raising, identifying and qualifying potential donors, and grant administration. Hands-on activities provide practice in the skills of grant preparation.