
Course Information

Identification and Instruction ofESL Learners with Disabilities (ESL 640)

Term: 2021-2022 Spring


This course will provide a framework for developing a comprehensive system for the assessment and instruction of ESL learners preK-12 with disabilities and/or limited or interrupted formal schooling. Participants will gain an understanding of the second language acquisition process, literacy development in the second language, culture, alternative assessment measures, and appropriate instructional methodology for ESL learners with disabilities and/or ESL learners with limited or interrupted formal schooling. They will identify key issues in the assessment and instruction of ESL learners with disabilities and/or limited or interrupted formal schooling, including under-representation and over-representation in special education, appropriate assessment measures, and legal responsibilities. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss the use of alternative assessment measures for distinguishing between disability, literacy development, and developmental process of second language lea