
This course deals with the discipline of dealing with the possibility that some future event will cause harm. It provides strategies, techniques, and an approach to recognizing and confronting any threat faced by an organization in fufilling its mission. It considers the questions: What can go wrong?, What will we do?, and How will we pay for it?

Course Objectives

Student will gain:
  • A understanding of key issues in the field of healthcare quality
  • An appreciation of both the importance and the difficulties associated with data collection and analysis and monitoring of patient outcomes
  • An understanding of process improvement, performance improvement
  • An understanding of the role of organizational leaders and how they impact on quality issues.
  • The National Patient Safety Goals

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will become knowledgeable about the various tools used in performance and process improvement.

Skill Outcomes:

  • Students will become proficient in tracking, trending and analyzing data and using control charts.
  • Students will learn how to manage aggregate data and to complete reports that transform raw data into information that can be used to make organizational decisions.
  • Plan a pro-active, patient outcome focused Risk Management program to meet the needs of healthcare organizations.

  • Understand the  the role of Risk Management in Healthcare and the evolvement from a reactive to a pro-active focus

  • Undersand Patient Safety and quality healthcare