The Independent Learning Project (ILP) is a comprehensive project required as part of your  master’s degree program at Cambridge College. It enables you to demonstrate critical thinking, undertake research, apply theory to a practical situation, and present findings and recommendations.


Select a topic of relevance to Management and of importance to your professional development.    After approval, you will work with your  Advisor to determine the type of ILP most conducive to your learning project.

Requirements for your ILP:
  • Relates to current issues in Management
  • Has personal and practical relevance in the workplace or the community
  • Demonstrates that you have gained a thorough understanding of the subject area through research, analysis of current management literature, and critical thinking
  • Provides research experience using appropriate techniques with sufficient depth to give meaningful outcomes
  • Uses management skills, including project planning, meeting deadlines, overcoming hurdles, and responding to feedback
  • Has an original component of work.

Role of the Seminar Leader

Role of the Seminar Leader

The Seminar Leader is your academic adviser for the duration of the program .  The Seminar Leader is the supervisor of the  Independent Learning Project with responsibility for final approval of your  ILP.   Topics must be approved by the Seminar Leader and must be related to each student’s concentration in Management
The Seminar Leader directs the Management Seminars classes which cover professional topics and provide support for professional development.   The Seminar classes  also provide support for students’ work on the Independent Learning Projects.  

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This site helps identify missed citations, missed quotes, or incorrectly paraphrased work.  It will help you eliminate inadvertent plagiarism.

Indiana Tutorial  and Certification