Title Page

This is the first page of the ILP. It states the writer’s name; the name of the writer’s seminar leader; the name of the institution –Cambridge College; and the month and date the project is submitted.

Copyright Page (Optional)

This statement establishes ownership of the author’s work.

Acknowledgments Page (Optional)

This section expresses appreciation to those who assisted and supported the author throughout the ILP process. This is not required. If included, it should be the third page of your ILP.

Abstract Statement

About 120 words, an abstract is a brief concise summary of the ILP. The abstract prepares the reader for the contents of the ILP. This is best written after the ILP is completed.

Table of Contents

This page lists the contents and page numbers of each section of the ILP .




A feasibility study examines a proposed venture’s potential for success.

The introduction establishes the focus of the feasibility study; and explains the proposed venture’s products or services.

Outline the  of the study especially those areas covered in the Literature Review

This section describes the business’s purpose; goals and objectives; business philosophy; industry core strengths and competencies. It further describes the proposed owner’s personal business philosophy; strengths and skills; and the proposed venture’s legal form of ownership .

 Literature Review

The literature review for a feasibility study analyzes published information on the industry such as industry profiles; trade journals; census data; demographic profiles; government publications (federal, state and local) and official statistics.



This section should be a cookbook for how your study was done.  A reader should be able to reproduce your study and get reasonably similar results. Feasibility studies traditionally use surveys, interviews or focus groups as data collection methodologies.

Data Analysis

The data analysis section describes the tools, strategies, and analytical approaches used to make sense of the data.

Business Plan

Marketing Plan

The marketing plan presents the facts about the industry; describes current market demands; evaluates trends in the target market; assesses growth potential and determines any barriers to entry into the market. It further details a plan to overcome those barriers; projects changes in technology; government regulations; the economy; the industry; market size; market demands; market trends; and growth potential.

Products and Services

In the products and services section the author describes in depth the proposed products or services; competitive advantages; competitive disadvantages; and pricing fees.

Management and Organization

 The management and organization section describes the proposed venture’s personnel; provides resumes for each employee and includes each employees’ job description and a proposed organizational chart

Personal Financial Information




 (Note: check with your seminar on whether this section is required)

Start Up Expenses

The start up expenses section estimates the capital needed before opening the business.

Financial Plan

The financial plan projects the cash flow, the opening day balance and provides a break even analysis.



Statement of Learning

This section summarizes what the author has learned  professionally and personally; as a result of this project and the completion of the MM degree.



The references section lists all books, websites, documents, journal and magazine articles, pamphlets, brochures, electronic documents, etc. cited throughout the ILP.



The section provides supporting documents for the ILP.

Tables (Optional)

Tables present quantitative data.

Figures (Optional)

Figures may be charts, graphs, photographs, drawings or other pictorial depictions.