The course uses the following methodologies:
  1. On-line learning on the course concepts with assignments, quizzes, and activities. Key Concept areas are covered in the on-line learning material.
  2. Participation in on-line discussions.  Discussion topics relating the course concepts to your own situation or to current events or issues will be posted. You will be expected to respond to these topics by the due date.
  3. Weekly assignments submitted online.  These are individual (i.e. not group) assignments and are related to course concepts and reading material or final project.
  4. Face-to-face instruction with in-class activities and collaborative teamwork.  There will be two days of face-to face interaction, one at the beginning of the course – and the second toward the end. These sessions will allow for direct interaction with the instructor and class-mates. Learning activities will include lectures, discussion, experiential exercises, and team work on a group project (see below).
  5. A Final Project  demonstrating your ability to  apply and integrate concepts covered in the class.   This is done as a Managers Inbox Problem. The project will typically involve analyzing financial data for a specific company and developing a financial budget (pro forma and capital budgets).