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Dear Cambridge College community:


I am writing to follow up on my email of last evening indicating that Cambridge College will  transition to remote access instruction in response to COVID-19.   As you are aware, this is an incredibly fluid and rapidly changing situation.  


 To date, we are not aware of any confirmed or presumed cases of the Coronavirus in our community.  Please note the safety of the Cambridge College community is at the heart of each choice and every one of our responses during these challenging times.


Over the last several weeks we have been continuously monitoring and assessing this situation and the potential impact and implications for Cambridge College.  We have at this time decided to implement the following plan:

  • Classroom Transition: 
    • Effective Saturday, March 21st, we will transition to remote access instruction until further notice.
    • All CC campuses will remain open to allow students and faculty access to computer labs, classrooms, and study areas.
    • Training on remote modalities will be provided to faculty and students.  Details will be provided under a separate email to these respective groups. 
    • We recognize that some faculty may have started this transition and they are encouraged to continue. In addition faculty and students of individual classes may agree to additional methods of engagement including in an on campus setting.
  • Regional Locations:
    • Students and faculty will have access to computer labs, classrooms, and study areas in their specific location.  
    • There may be variations to our overall plan that are unique to individual regional center locations. Regional Center Directors will provide specific information relative to their location. 
  •  Events:
    • Through the month of April, all large events scheduled in the Charlestown location will be cancelled or postponed to a future date.
    • Cancellations/postponements may include open houses, information sessions, career fairs, and other student events. 
    • We are requesting that no large events be scheduled at the College until further notice.

The goal during this transition period is to ensure the continuity of our learning environment and the success of our students while prioritizing the health and well-being of our community. Our administrative offices will remain open and employees are encouraged to maintain communication with their supervisor.



Please stay abreast of public health alerts to postpone non-essential travel, avoid large gatherings, and seek medical attention if you believe you may have been exposed to someone with the virus.  Remember to protect yourself by maintaining good hand-washing etiquette and practice social distancing.


We are confident that all members of the Cambridge College community will continue to work together to respond to this global situation and keep one another informed and safe. It is also important to note, that each of us must make a personal decision about our own safety and well- being.






Deborah C. Jackson


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