Grading, and criteria for awarding points and policy:

Points toward final grades will be shared with students weekly. Unless an exception has been granted by the instructor, late assignments will not get full credit.  Students are encouraged to request any special consideration prior the due dates.


Classroom participation         20% (5% for each of four weekend days)


Discussion questions             20%  (5 % for each online week)


Current event assignments    15%  (5% for each of 3 assignments)


Tabletop exercise                   20%


Individual plans                        20%


Peer review                                5%                

Letter grades:

             A+   97or above                   C+    77or above

             A     94or above                    C      73 or above

             A-    90 or above                  C-     70 or above

             B+   87or above                   D      60-69

             B     84or above                    F       59 or below

             B-    80 or above

Note that at the graduate level anything below a B- is counted as failing the course.

Incomplete grades must be requested prior to the end of the last class unless there are extraordinary circumstances.


Point awards


Weekend classroom participation points:

  • Attend on time
  • Demonstrate preparation for the discussion
  • Demonstrate commitment to sharing knowledge and expertise
  • Present  comments and questions professionally
  • Contribute at least once in each section of the class for full credit
  • Grasp the question and answer with an appropriate response


Online attendance/participation points:

  • Student must demonstrate presence in the class weekly by at least viewing instructor and fellow student postings.  Expected absences due to work or family commitments should be discussed with the instructor

in advance to insure the opportunity for full credit

  • Answer all discussion questions for a chance at full credit.  Full credit will only be granted if the student doesn’t just quote the text and demonstrates an understanding of the question.
  • Submit any material due in that week


Current event points:

  • Note that there are four weeks in which current events may be submitted, but you only need to do three
  • Reference appropriately (Usually this will require sharing the link to the article)
  • Address all current event criteria (to be shared at first class and subsequently posted)
  • Add value through additional information, insightful commentary, recognizing unanswered questions
  • Link to the student’s field and classroom topic
  • This submission will be posted for your fellow students to read and should consist of no more than one page of writing.


Individual Emergency Preparedness/Disaster Plans:

  • Articulate your home plan
  • Identify pertinent local, state and federal agencies key to your organization’s planning and response.
  • Find or identify the lack of an EP/Disaster Plan in your organization (alternatives will be offered for anyone not in a work setting)
  • Evaluate and initiate steps to improve the plan including missing considerations, work with special populations, further training
  • Assess your personal need for NIMS training and create a plan to complete


Tabletop exercise project:

  • Demonstrate preparation for your assigned role
  • Present an accurate summary of the responsibility of your assigned role
  • Demonstrate that you have read any background material assigned
  • Take this exercise seriously.  Humor has its place, but you will learn more if you assume that lives are at stake
  • Response to questions



Peer review:

  • Listens respectfully
  • Asks meaningful questions in a professional manner (Do not let this deter you from asking about something you really don’t understand. That is a meaningful question!)
  • Offers criticism constructively
  • Course submissions offered new information and/or insight
  • Contributed to the overall learning process of the class including weekly participation
  • All students will complete a peer review on the last day of class and are expected to be discerning.

Across the board, equal scores for all peers are not considered thoughtful.

