Technology: This course will require access to a computer and the internet. It has half the face to face contact hours of a regular Masters of Management course, and will require significant outside of class room activity. Students are encouraged to have more than one way to access the internet so that assignments may be submitted on time.  Students are responsible for backing up their work and should not expect that instructor to provide copies of deleted/lost material.
Participation in on-line discussions: Discussion topics relating the course concepts to your own situation or to current events or issues will be posted. You will be expected to respond to these topics by the due date. Weekly presence in the classroom is expected by adding to the category/topic threads with your own responses or comments for your fellow students. If a class is large, sub-groups may be developed for discussion.
Face-to-face instruction with in-class activities and collaborative teamwork. There will be sessions of face-to face interaction, one at the beginning of the course – and the second toward the end. These sessions will allow for direct interaction with the instructor and class-mates.  Learning activities will include, discussion, experiential exercises, and interaction with guest speakers.
Individual organization disaster plans - Credit will be given for researching and improving your own organization's plan.
Tabletop exercise - a realistic disaster scenario will be used as an exercise for response and recovery