Google Email Help Are you looking for help with your Google Account? Have you been locked out, forgot your password, or can't access it?
Technical Specs for MyCC What does your computer need to successfully run MyCC?
Tutorials and Academic Amenities The tutorials will provide you with details of MyCC course functions, such as file upload, discussions, and navigation. MyCC Course-Related Tutorials for Students will play in a new browser window. Most tutorials are in video format and are available on Youtube with some in TechSmith Screencast. The viewing time is provided for your convenience. Any tutorials that are in Adobe PDF format or web resources (links) are indicated, as such.
Navigating the Online Environment Develop comfort navigating the common elements of the MyCC learning environment.
Assistive Technology Assistive technology is assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities or the elderly population. Federal law requires colleges to provide an equal opportunity to students with disabilities to participate in and receive the benefits of an educational program. When applied to online coursework, this means that materials used for instruction must be accessible to all students.